
When your daughter has been hearing “Monsters” in the wall, Turns Out it Was 50000 Bees



In a story that sounds straight out of a nightmare, a North Carolina family discovered a massive honeybee hive hidden inside the walls of their three-year-old daughter’s bedroom. For months, little Saylor had been complaining about “monsters” in her room. Like many parents, Ashley Class and her husband thought it was just a figment of her imagination, possibly influenced by watching Monsters, Inc.. They even tried a water-based “monster spray” to help ease her fears​.​

The Shocking Discovery

Things took a turn when the family noticed bees buzzing around their century-old farmhouse in Charlotte, North Carolina. What began as a few bees here and there quickly escalated. “We thought, ‘That’s a little strange,’” Ashley recalled. Concerned, they called in a professional beekeeper, Curtis Collins, who used a thermal imaging camera to inspect the walls. The results were jaw-dropping—a hive stretching from floor to ceiling, containing over 50,000 bees and around 100 pounds of honeycomb​.

Collins, who has dealt with many bee removals, admitted this hive was unlike anything he had seen before. The infestation had likely been growing undetected for about eight months. When the wall was opened, the sight was surreal—honey dripping down like a scene from a horror movie​.

“Monster Hunter” to the Rescue

Saylor, who had been terrified of her room for months, affectionately dubbed the beekeeper “Mr. Monster Hunter.” Watching the removal process seemed to bring her some relief. Collins used a reverse vacuum to extract the bees safely, ensuring their relocation without harm. Despite three extraction sessions, around 10,000 bees are believed to still be inside the house, meaning the process isn’t over yet​.

A Costly Cleanup

The aftermath wasn’t just emotional—it was expensive. Repairing the damage left by the hive could cost the family over $20,000. However, Ashley says the experience has been an opportunity to educate her children about honeybees and their importance in the ecosystem. “It was really neat to be able to show our three-year-old, ‘These are the monsters you’ve been hearing. You’re completely right,’” she shared​.

Viral Buzz

The story has gained traction online, with Ashley documenting the ordeal on TikTok. Her video has garnered millions of views, with people fascinated and horrified by the unexpected discovery. For the Class family, it’s been a surreal and unforgettable chapter.


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